Friday, July 31, 2015


If you you owe me something or feel like you owe me something, that's fine. If I say, "no, it's okay. You don't need to," that's one thing. If you insist on repaying me, that's another thing. If I say that it's alright and you don't have to then cool. But if you insist anyway, then you better fucking pay me back la? Don't insist on something that I said was okay, and then don't do it. Then it's not okay anymore.

I'm hanging by a thread|5:07 PM|

Monday, July 13, 2015


Being hurt and angry is one thing. How you choose to handle it is another thing. 
This shows all the levels of selfish and mean in you, so don't talk about how this reflects badly on me. If you really loved me you'd have wanted me to be happy, even if it's not the thing you thought would do it. This is all sorts of selfish. 

You never had legit faith in 'us'. Good for you. Self-fulfilling prophecy right there. That's why you never invested the real shit that would make changes that stick. Like telling friends/family, for one. 

Sort out your shit then come talk to me cos you're just verbally spitting in my face that's all. 

I'm hanging by a thread|11:24 AM|

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Fucking intense realisation.

Maybe I need someone to tell me I can't, so I feel motivated to prove that I can.

My whole life, everyone (who matters) has always been telling me that I 'can' and talking about how capable I am. 
Recently they've made it clear that they think I cannot survive on my own or take care of myself, and I felt this intense motivation to do exactly that just to prove them wrong because I think I can damn well take care of myself. They think I'd die in a (philosophical) jungle but, hell, watch me come back in one piece. 
Maybe I need someone to say I can't do shit, so I make myself go on to do tons of shit. I don't know. Just maybe. I could be wrong about this. I think it also depends heavily on who says it. 

Ah fuck. I don't fucking know.

I'm hanging by a thread|11:42 AM|

Friday, July 10, 2015


I'm not cold enough for this life. Which is ironic because if I were, I wouldn't even have all these problems. 
Warmth makes a fire; the fire that burns down everything that means the world to you. 

I'm hanging by a thread|5:47 AM|

Hello, hello
Yes, the headers are like, A7x songs. I know.

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