Friday, April 17, 2015


This entire thing is so ridiculous.

He is an intelligent boy, I would say that. He does have the potential to become very successful in creative endeavours. However, he was definitely not raised right. He insults his own parents on two separate occasions and doesn't seem to have grasped the concept of action-consequence. 

He challenged the gov to "come and sue me" and then begs for money to help pay his legal fees. He has no shame. 

His intelligence is so wasted on his bitterness and unsophisticated expression. The whole thing about freedom of speech is another argument altogether. His video was so poorly timed, and it's fucking rude to say you're glad someone is dead. It is disrespectful, especially given what this deceased man had done for the country. He's free to have his opinions and share them, but the manner in which he did so was insensitive and slanderous. His charges may be too severe for a 17-year-old, but he definitely should not be let off without severe punishment of some sort. A lot of things can be said about 'freedom of expression' but it's extremely distasteful to create an edited photo of a late great leader sodomising another great leader. What the fuck is that? How can someone do this kind of shit and expect to be let off without consequences on the basis of "freedom of speech/expression".

Unnecessarily comparing LKY to Jesus in a such a rude and offensive way? There is an actual law against being offensive to people's religious feelings. This is the law, respect the law. Don't expect to get away with breaking the law, and garner support for the sake of freedom of speech - no matter how true or false your opinion might be.

There's a way to express your political opinions without wishing death upon someone ("he should have asked his son to pull the plug, or committed suicide") or making sexual remarks ("how many world leader dick he sucked; band of sycophants who, for decades, have been voraciously sucking his oblong dick", let alone such a disrespectful photo). There's also no need to compare political leaders to organised religion/religious figures/their followers.

It's also important to note that charges were only filed against him by the gov because citizens filed complaints against him for that video, claiming they were personally offended esp by his religious remarks (might I add he is also blatantly racist). 

It's just sad this great brain is going to be tainted by this episode of his life, and I sincerely hope he learns to refine his manner of expression. As good as he is at critically analysing his environment and 'the system', all this was downright rude and disrespectful (not to mention his video on encouraging students to drop out of school which is just not a good idea no matter how you spin it). On a more personal note, he sounds hella arrogant, too. 

I'm hanging by a thread|12:12 AM|

Wednesday, April 08, 2015


Why why why why why 

I'm hanging by a thread|12:40 AM|

Saturday, April 04, 2015


I'm hurting. 
I'm hurting so much. 

I'm hanging by a thread|11:31 PM|

Hello, hello
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